Monday, December 5, 2011


& this was our 3week project and how we manage to do it, experience new things and learn about design and team work during the process!
For me it was a very good opportunity to learn about Norway and Norwegian culture.

Final Presentation

After 3 class presentations and good feed backs from friends we were supposed to have an exhibition of what we did for our project. We did this:)
Using a typographic ceiling with a poem about wind, we made the room dark, played the sound of the wind and projecting our sketches and prototypes on the map of the wind road we represented the atmosphere of our project.

Uncle Windmill !!!

.......... the cartoon character of a windmill for children that I designed for this project and the other one is a sample of a poster for children.

Posters for the wind Festival in "Vind Veien" (The Wind Road)

Two posters for the wind Festival that can be held for children to let them "see the wind" by making their own windmill. The white triangle on the posters is the character that I designed for this project.


We had different ideas about the Logo.
One logo was designed with the idea of lights produced by windmills.(the black background pictures)
And one with the infinity sign which included the wind movement and the meaning of sustainable natural the left is the main logo and the other picture is the possibilities for using it in different forms.

Other rest stations

pictures in the previous post and this post are related to the rest stations that can be built along the road for people to rest there and see the power of the wind in light! Also we decided to give information to people with lighting texts on the rest stations walls.

What we did

we started with making sketches, then made our prototypes and edited and lighted them in Adobe Photoshop.

our tutors

During our joint project we were guided step by step and encouraged by our tutors Bente Irminger and Linda Lien.